NIG historical archive

Now dissolved interest groups:


Web-based strategies for intervention and prevention of eating disorders

Group members:

  • Camilla Lindvall Dahlgren, Norway
  • Joakim de Man Lapidoth, Sweden
  • Rasmus Isomaa, Finland
  • Louise Högdahl, Sweden

The aim/purpose of the NIG:
The purpose of this NIG is to connect Nordic researchers and clinicians interested in the field of internet-based prevention and intervention for people with eating disorder symptoms. Our network will facilitate international collaborations, and encourage the discovery, use, sharing and distributions of findings within this field.

The NIG initially plans to start its work with conducting a detailed investigation of relevant internet-based projects in the Nordic countries as well as of identifing clinicians, researchers and clinics with an interest in we-based interventions. The results of this investigation will further guide the more exact focus of the NIG.



the Diagnosis of Eating Disorders

Group members:

  • Loa Clausen, Denmark
  • Janne L Helverskov, Denmark
  • Claes Norring, Sweden
  • Andreas Birgegård, Sweden

The aim/purpose of the NIG:
The group wants to create research collaboration with a main focus on the diagnosis of eating disorders. The diagnosis of ED has been discussed since they were first defined and as they are continuously being both questioned and changed research is still needed.

The newly published DSM-5 criteria need validation and it will soon be the case also with the ICD classification which is being revised resulting in ICD-11 within a few years. The changes affect research and clinical practice and consequences of the changes made needs elucidation.

Loa Clausen, loaclaus(@)


Severe and Enduring Eating Disorders

Group members:

  • Maja Molin, Eira mottaggningen SCÄ, Sweden
  • Yvonne von Hausswolf-Juhlin Eira mottaggningen SCÄ, Sweden
  • Jenny Lööw, Eira mottaggningen SCÄ, Sweden
  • Pernille Herlevsen, Ambulatoriet for langvarig Anoreksi, Denmark
  • Christiane Alstrup, Ambulatoriet for langvarig Anoreksi, Denmark
  • Birte Smidt, Denmark

The purpose of the NIG is to share knowledge and experiences regarding the treatment of patients with severe and enduring eating disorders. Patients with severe and enduring eating disorders usually have experience of various standard treatment methods, which has not proven successful. Novel approaches are needed to improve the treatment outcome of these patients.

Maja Molin
Eira-mottagningen, Stockholms Centrum för Ätstörningar
Wollmar Yxkullsgatan 27B, 118 50 Stockholm


Binge Eating Disorders

Group members:

  • Yvonne Linné von Hausswolff-Juhlin, Sweden
  • Jakob Lauest, Denmark
  • Mia Falconer, Denmark

The aim/purpose of the NIG:
BED – knowledge and treatment is a new Nordic network for all professionals working with Binge Eating Disorder. As a newly recognized diagnosis in DSM-5 we see a great need to create a network with the purpose to exchange knowledge, ideas and experiences within clinical BED treatment as well as scientific research across the borders of Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland. It is our hope that mutual exchange of ideas, research and challenges will take place as an ongoing online activity as well as during an annual seminar. 

Jakob Lauest, Jakob.Lauest(@)
Mia Falconer, mfa(@) 

Additional information:
First seminar will be hosted in 2014 (specific date still to be announced). The network is founded by Psykiatrisk Center Stolpegård, ViOSS – Videnscenter Om Spiseforstyrrelser og Selvskade and MD and Associate Professor at Karolinska Institute Yvonne Linné.


Nutritional rehabilitation in eating disorders

Steering group:

  • Finland: Terhi Jokelainen, Registered Dietitian, MSc, MEd (educational psychology), Oulu University Hospital, Finland. Email: terhi.jokelainen(@)
  • Sweden: Cecilia Pettersson, Registered Dietitian / PhD student, Drottning Silvias Barn- och ungdomssjukhus, Göteborg, Sweden. Email: cecilia.pettersson(@)
  • Norway:  Dijana Stupar, Authorised Clinical Dietitian, Diakonhjemmet Hospital/Sykehus in Oslo, Norway. Email: stupar(@)
  • Denmark: Mette Heide, Clinical dietitian, Børne- og ungdomspsykiatrisk Center Risskov, Denmark. Email; methei(@)
  • Iceland:  Aníta Sif Elídóttir, Clinical nutritionist, Átröskunarteymi LSH, Reykjavik, Iceland. Email: anitas(@)

The aim/purpose of the NIG:
Challenges in normal eating, weight restoration and attitudes towards food are daily among eating disorder patients. The purpose of the NIG NUT is to share knowledge, ideas and experiences regarding nutritional rehabilitation practices in patients with eating disorders.  We aim to have a Nordic forum for discussion of the practices of parenteral / enteral nutrition, refeeding syndrome, special diets, obesity etc.  We aim that NIG NUT could be a group in which we could share experiences and ideas of meal planning, meal photos and recipes, and have collaboration in creating new nutritional counselling techniques and material. As we have a lack of scientific research in nutritional rehabilitation in eating disorders, NIG NUT also encourages researchers in the field for Nordic collaboration and carrying out projects on the subject.  Finally, we aim to create a consensus statement of nutritional rehabilitation practices in Nordic countries.

Terhi Jokelainen, terhi.jokelainen(@)

Additional information:
Next NEDS congress in 2018: Main aim of the work during next years is to gather information for presentations of nutritional rehabilitation in each Nordic country in NEDS 2018. Based on those presentations we will continue discussion and possibly make a consensus of nutritional rehabilitation practices of eating disorder patients in Nordic countries.

NIG NUT will have an email list based on the participants in NIG NUT workshop in NEDS 2016. We also aim to have a closed Facebook group and/or forum in NEDS homepage where to share questions and ideas, as well. 

We want to reinforce that NIG NUT is not only for dietitians/nutritionist, but NIG NUT is gathering professionals of all the fields dealing with nutritional rehabilitation in eating disorder patients.