At our last board meeting, we decided to postpone the conference due to the COVID-19 situation. After making some arrangements and investigations, we are now ready to present the new dates for NEDS 2020. The conference will be arranged on February 3-5, 2021.

As the conference now is approximately nine months away, you will have plenty of time to prepare abstracts and presentations. We did receive 35 abstracts within the deadline for submission. We want more! We will of course re-open the abstract submission system and set a new deadline. Authors of the already submitted abstract will have the possibility to revise or withdraw their abstracts.

We have also decided to postpone the society´s general assembly. It will be arranged during the conference and the current board will continue its work until then.

Please follow our website for updates, new deadlines and other useful information.

Stay safe and take care of each other! We all look forward to seeing you all once the crisis is over.



Rasmus Isomaa, chairman of the Nordic Eating Disorder Society