The NEDS board held a telephone meeting on April 28th. Here is a short summary of the meeting. More details are available from each National representative.

1. Recent Nordic activities:

  • A two-day meeting was held in Copenhagen on severe and enduring EDs and on personality and EDs. The Danish society has elected child psychiatrist Ulla Moslev as new chair.
  • The Norwegian society are working on their web site and are involved in writing guidelines on excessive exercise and EDs.
  • The Swedish society arranged a meeting around emotions and EDs.
  • The Finnish society arranged a one-day seminar on EDs and neuropsychiatry.

2. The board discussed practical arrangements in regard to the upcoming conference, e.g. rules of cancellation, one-day tickets, the gala dinner.

3. The NEDS general assembly will be held in Helsinki during the conference. The board is responsible for meeting arrangements and will prepare everything in advance.

4.  The board was informed via e-mail on the economy of the society.

5. The first World Eating Disorder Action day on June 2nd was discussed.